1选课邮件 2.注册MyHKMU邮件



Dear Students,

Please be reminded that students should register with the University for each academic term as per the University’s regulations. This email is to provide you with information for course registration for the 2023 Autumn Term which commences on 4 September 2023. Please read the supplementary sheet (Point 2 below) before starting your course registration.

1.         Course Registration Period:

SchoolCourse Registration Period
School of Science and Technology10 July 2023 (9:30 a.m.) to 11 August 2023 (11:59 p.m.)
School of Nursing and Health Studies
School of Arts and Social Sciences12 July 2023 (9:30 a.m.) to 11 August 2023 (11:59 p.m.)
School of Education and Languages
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration20 July 2023 (9:30 a.m.) to 11 August 2023 (11:59 p.m.)

2.         Supplementary Sheet for Course Registration:

SchoolSupplementary Sheet
School of Science and TechnologyCLICK HERE
School of Nursing and Health StudiesCLICK HERE
School of Arts and Social SciencesTo be provided
School of Education and LanguagesTo be provided
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and AdministrationTo be provided

3.         Procedures for Online Course Registration:

Step 1:    Log into the Online Registration System.

Step 2:    Review the Advice Sheet of your programme to find out what courses you are required to take.

Step 3:    Select courses and class sections. Some core courses may have been pre-registered for you according to your study plan.

Step 4:    Process payment of tuition fees of the selected courses to complete the registration procedures.

Detailed procedures can be found in this User Guide.

Important notes:

*           All course fees paid are not refundable nor transferrable, unless the course(s) you registered for is/are cancelled by the University.

*           If you fail to complete the registration by the deadline stipulated above, you will need to apply for “Late Registration” within two weeks after term commencement, and pay a non-refundable “Late Registration Fee” of HK$500, together with the course fees. Applications for Late Registration received on or after 18 September 2023 will not be processed.

*           A student who fails to complete the registration for the term shall be deemed to have discontinued his/her studies at the University.

*           Tentative class schedule is available on this page.

4.         Optional course – CHIN A206CF (applicable to local students and non-local students with valid entry permits* only):

CHIN A206CF Practical Cantonese in Daily Life is a 2-credit course aims to provide basic training of Cantonese, such as the Jyutping (Cantonese Romanisation), pronunciation rules and practical vocabulary, and to improve students’ Cantonese ability through daily life situations. Interested students can enroll in this course via online registration systemPlease note that this course cannot be counted towards your postgraduate award.

* Non-local students whose entry permits expire before or during 2023 Autumn term are not eligible to register for CHIN A206CF.

5.         Class Schedule for 2023 Autumn term:

The confirmed class schedule will be available on MyHKMU starting from 30 August 2023. To access MyHKMU, please go to the University website (Current Students) or your Student Mobile App. If you have a class timetable clash, you may apply for reallocation of class section two weeks before term starts by submitting an online application. For Details, please refer to the “User Guide for Students – Class Schedule”. If you have any questions, please contact the Class Scheduling & Tutors Team by email to regcsat@hkmu.edu.hk.

6.         View / Download Payment Receipt:

You can download your course payment receipt(s) after the term has started. Please log in to MyHKMU > Select your programme under ‘My Programme’ section > Click on ‘Receipt Enquiry’ under ‘Student Finance’ section. Only receipts issued within the recent two years will be available for download, please ensure you have saved a copy of the receipt(s).

7.         Entry Permit: [Applicable to non-local students only]

Non-local students should have a valid entry permit to study at the University. If your entry permit has expired / will expire before the start of the term according to the University’s records, you are required to update the University of the status of your entry permits by emailing toregae@hkmu.edu.hk before you can access the Online Registration System.

In accordance with the Immigration Ordinance of the Hong Kong SAR Government, non-local students must observe the student visa requirements, please refer to the Immigration Department webpage at https://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/services/visas/study.html for details.

8.         Financial Assistance: [Applicable to local students only]

If you are applying for the University / Government financial assistance scheme for the 2023 Autumn Term, please return the completed “Course Registration Form” to regae@hkmu.edu.hk by 13 July 2023. Late application will not be accepted.

9.         Programme Requirements:

It is the responsibility of the students to refer to the respective programme regulations prior to course enrolment to ensure that the course(s) they intend to study fulfil the programme requirements for graduation. Please contact the Graduation Team by email reggrad@hkmu.edu.hk if you have any questions.

10.     Student Handbook:

The Student Handbook contains important academic regulations that students must observe. Please read the handbook, which can be accessed via this link on the University website, before term starts.

Should you have any questions on course registration, please contact the Admissions and Enrolment Team (Taught Postgraduate) by phone on 2768 6606 or by email to regae@hkmu.edu.hk using your HKMU email account. For the protection of students’ personal data and University information, we may not respond to emails about course registration sent from personal email accounts.

Yours faithfully,

Admissions and Enrolment Team (Taught Postgraduate)



根㯫大學規例,學生必須於每個學期辦理科目註冊。2023年秋季學期將於2023年9月4日開學,以下為該學期的科目註冊資訊。請於註冊科目前詳細閱讀有關補充資料 (下文第二點)

1.         科目註冊時


2.         科目註冊補充資料


3.         網上科目註冊程序







*           所有已繳交的學費均不予退還或轉移,大學取消開辦你所註冊的科目除外。

*           如你未能在限期前註冊科目,你必須在開課後兩星期內提交「逾期註冊」申請並繳交港幤500元「逾期註冊申請費」。申請不論獲批准與否,已繳付的申請費用,概不發還。教務處恕不接受於2023年9月18日或之後提交的「逾期註冊」申請。

*           未能成功註冊的學生將被視為已終止在校學習。

*           你可參閱此連結查閱暫定的上課時間表。

4.         可自由選擇的科目CHIN A206CF (只適用於本地學生和持有有效證的非本地學生*)

CHIN A206CF 實用生活粵語 ( 2學分) 旨在為有意學習粵語的同學提供基礎訓練,教授粵語拼音、發音規律和實用詞彙,並通過生活化情境提高學生的粵語能力。有興趣修讀的同學可以經網上系統註冊此科。請注意,此科不能計入你的研究生課程中。

* 簽證在 2023 年秋季學期之前或期間到期的非本地學生不符合註冊 CHIN A206CF 的資格。

5.         2023年秋季科上課時

你可以從2023年8月30日起於大學網站 (在學學生) 登入MyHKMU或透過學生移動應用程式查閱上課時間表。如果課堂時間衝突,你可以提交網上申請更改組別,申請日期一般由開課前兩星期開始。詳情請參閱《簡介–上課時間表》。如對更改組別有任何查詢,請電郵至 regcsat@hkmu.edu.hk與課堂及導修組聯絡。

6.         檢視 下載付款收據

你可於開課後登入MyHKMU,在「My Programme」一欄選取你修讀的研究生課程,然後在「學生財務」一欄按「學費收據查詢」下載科目註冊付款收據。收據只於網上保存兩年。請你妥善保存已下載的收據。

7.         入境許可証 [只適用於非本地生]

非本地學生在港就讀必須持有有效簽證。如你在大學的紀錄顯示你持有的入境許可證經已過期或於秋季學期開始前過期,你必需電郵到regae@hkmu.edu.hk 更新你的證件紀錄,否則你將不能進入科目註冊系統。


8.         學生資助 [只適用於本地生]


9.         課程規例:

請確保你註冊的科目符合修讀課程的相關要求。如你對課程規例有任何疑問,請電郵至 reggrad@hkmu.edu.hk與畢業組聯絡。

10.     學生手冊:


如有任何關於科目註冊的查詢,請致電2768 6606或以你的HKMU學生電郵帳戶電郵至 regae@hkmu.edu.hk與入學及註冊組(授課式研究生課程)聯絡。請注意,為保障學生的個人資料和大學提供給學生的資訊,本組或未能回覆以個人電郵帳戶發出的科目註冊電郵查詢。




Dear Students,

The 2023 Autumn Term will commence on 4 September 2023 (Monday). This email serves to give you information on what you need to know before you begin your studies at HKMU.

1Welcome Day for New Taught Postgraduate StudentsThe Welcome Day for New Taught Postgraduate will be held on31 August 2023 (Thursday) and 1 September 2023 (Friday). You will receive another email about the details of the event for your programme shortly.
2Activate MyHKMU accountYou must create a password first, please visit this page for details. Please note that your student number is the same as your 8-digit application number.

For technical support, please call 2711 2100 or emailitohelp@hkmu.edu.hk.
3Student Webmail Account (HKMU email)To protect students’ personal data and University information,please use your HKMU email account to communicate with the University after the term starts. Please refer tothis page for information about your student webmail account.
4Academic CalendarAcademic Calendar contains important dates that you need to take note of throughout your studies. For details, please click here.
5Taught Postgraduate Student HandbookStudent handbook contains information on academic regulations and policies which you need to know as a student. For details please click here.
6Student CardYou must submit a photo via MyHKMU for the production of your student card. After completing your course registration, you will receive an email from the Student Records Team (regrec@hkmu.edu.hk) with instructions on how to upload your photo. For details, please click here.

Enquiries: Student Records Team (Tel.: 2768 6623)
7Course Enrolment RecordsYou can check your enrolment records on MyHKMU after enrolling in your courses, Please click here for the step-by-step guide.
8TimetablesYou can view the confirmed timetables on MyHKMU starting from 30 August 2023. Please click here for the user guide.

Enquiries: Class Scheduling & Tutors Team (Tel.: 2768 6677)
9Online Learning Environment (OLE)OLE is an interactive online learning environment for accessing course information and studying. To access OLE, please clickthis link.

Enquiries: Office for Advancement of Learning and Teaching (Tel: 2768 6454 / email: olemaster@hkmu.edu.hk)

If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions & Enrolment Team (Taught Postgraduate) of the Registry at 2768 6606 / regae@hkmu.edu.hk.

We wish you all the best with your studies!

Yours sincerely,
Admissions & Enrolment Team (Taught Postgraduate)


2023年秋季學期將於2023年9月4日 (星期一) 開課。此電子郵件旨在向同學提供相關的新生資訊。

授課式研究生課程迎新日將於2023年8月31日 (星期四) 及 2023年9月1日 (星期五) 舉行。學生將收到其迎新日安排的電郵通知。
2啟動MyHKMU戶口你必須先設定登入密碼,詳情請查閱此網頁。請注意,你的學生號碼為你的8位數字入學申請編號。如需要技術支援,請致電熱線2711 2100或電郵至itohelp@hkmu.edu.hk
3學生電郵帳戶 (HKMU郵箱)為保護學生個人私隱及大學資訊,學生於開課後請以大學的學生電郵帳戶與大學聯繫。請查閱此網頁有關學生電郵帳戶。
6學生證你必須上載一張照片以製作學生證。完成科目註冊後,你將收到學生紀錄組 (regrec@hkmu.edu.hk) 發出有關學生證製作及提交相片的電郵,你亦可參閱此網站的資料。

查詢:學生紀錄組 (電話: 2768 6623)
7科目註冊紀錄學生可於MyHKMU 查看其科目註冊紀錄。請按此查看有關指引。
8時間表學生可於2023830日起於MyHKMU 查閱上課時間表。請按此查看有關指引。

查詢:課堂及導修組 (電話: 2768 6677)
9網上學習系統 (OLE)OLE 為大學開發的互動網上系統,學生可在OLE讀取教材及學科課程資訊。請按此登入。

查詢: 教育科技及發展部 (電話: 2768 6454 / 電郵:olemaster@hkmu.edu.hk)

如有任何查詢,請致電2768 6606或電郵 regae@hkmu.edu.hk 與入學及註冊組(授課式研究生課程)聯絡。

教務處 入學及註冊組(授課式研究生課程)
